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TB500 2mg

TB500 2mg
TB500 2mg
TB500 2mg
TB500 2mg
TB500 2mg
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Package: 2mg/vial+water
SAVE -30%


Thymosins are small proteins that are present in various animal tissues, initially discovered in the thymus but now known to exist in many other tissues as well. Two specific thymosins, namely Thymosin Alpha 1 and Thymosin Beta 4, have shown potential medical applications and are already being used in clinical settings. Thymosin Beta 4 (TB-500) is a peptide fragment derived from the naturally occurring hormone Thymosin Beta 4. Although it is often marketed as Thymosin Beta 4, TB-500 is distinct from the full hormone. Thymosin Beta 4 is released by the thymus gland, which is more prominent in children and decreases in size with age, while also being produced locally in various cells. Studies have shown that Thymosin Beta 4 plays a role in wound healing, stem cell differentiation, and inflammation reduction.

While TB-500 shares similarities and properties with Thymosin Beta 4, it is more cost-effective to produce. TB-500 can promote healing, improve range of motion in injuries, and reduce inflammation-induced pain. It has gained popularity among athletes and bodybuilders who see it as a means to accelerate post-workout recovery. Additionally, TB-500 is used in the treatment of sports injuries and as a preventive measure against such injuries.

Mechanism of Action

Among the thymosins, Thymosin Beta 4 is the most abundant, extensively studied, and biologically active member of the beta thymosin family. As an actin-binding peptide, Thymosin Beta 4 regulates actin polymerization, which plays a role in cell migration, angiogenesis, and tissue regeneration. It has demonstrated cardioprotective properties, stimulating angiogenesis in ischemic heart muscle, blocking proapoptotic cascades in cardiomyocytes, and activating survival pathways under stress. Thymosin Beta 4 is also effective in treating trophic ulcers, wounds, burns, and chronic dermatitis due to its anti-inflammatory effects. It promotes blood vessel growth, influences stem cell differentiation, and exhibits a wide range of potential therapeutic applications, attracting significant attention from researchers and cosmetic chemistry industries.

Injury Healing

Thymosin Beta 4 plays a crucial role in the repair and regeneration of damaged cells and tissues. It is released by platelets, macrophages, and various other cell types following injury, protecting cells and tissues from further damage, reducing inflammation, and inhibiting microbial growth. Thymosin Beta 4 binds to actin, promoting cell migration and the mobilization, migration, and differentiation of stem/progenitor cells, which contribute to new blood vessel formation and tissue regeneration. Moreover, Thymosin Beta 4 reduces myofibroblast accumulation in wounds, resulting in reduced scarring and fibrosis.

TB-500 supports the treatment of muscle, tendon, ligament, and skin injuries. It accelerates healing, reduces inflammation, and can be used for acute injuries with slow recovery or chronic injuries that fail to heal. Common applications include tendinitis, muscle tears or strains, as well as various muscle and connective tissue injuries. TB-500 also reduces the risk of pathological and interstitial adhesions, enhancing tissue mobility. It has shown efficacy in speeding up the healing of wounds, cuts, and burns, while minimizing scar formation. Clinical trials involving patients with chronic ulcers demonstrated that Thymosin Beta 4 significantly accelerated wound healing and was well tolerated.


TB-500 is utilized in ophthalmology for the treatment of dry eye syndrome and neurotrophic keratopathy. Animal and human studies have shown its ability to promote rapid and complete healing of damaged corneas. Patients with moderate to severe dry eye symptoms experienced significant and sustained improvement following TB-500 treatment.

Cardiovascular System

Thymosin Beta 4 has potential in the regeneration of damaged human heart muscle caused by heart attacks or other cardiac conditions. Animal studies have demonstrated that Thymosin Beta 4 stimulates the formation of new myocardial cells from inactive precursor cells in the heart lining. It also promotes angiogenesis and exhibits anti-fibrotic effects, benefiting myocardial cell remodeling. Thymosin Beta 4's regenerative potential in cardiovascular diseases has shown promise in various preclinical studies, and early clinical trials have evaluated its safety and efficacy in patients with acute myocardial infarction.

Hair Growth

Studies in animal models have indicated that TB-500 can promote the development, differentiation, and migration of stem cells in hair follicles, thereby accelerating hair growth. Thymosin peptides have been proposed as agents to prevent hair loss by inhibiting the catagen phase, where hair follicles shrink and hair papilla 'rests.' Human reports suggest that TB-500 effectively prevents hair loss and stimulates hair growth.

Nervous System

Thymosin Beta 4 is present in the cells of the central nervous system and is thought to play a protective role, influencing synaptogenesis, axonal growth, cell migration, and brain plasticity. It has been linked to neural development, particularly sensory neurons, and exhibits increased activity in various pathological conditions. Thymosin Beta 4 improves vascular remodeling and elasticity within the nervous system, leading to neurological recovery in neurobiological diseases. Its role in regulating pro-inflammatory Toll-like receptor signaling has also been suggested.


  • Accelerated recovery of muscles, ligaments, joints, and skin with reparative potential
  • Anti-inflammatory effects
  • Promotion of angiogenesis in muscles, improving their nutrition
  • Potential protective and restorative effects on the nervous system
  • Stimulation of luteinizing hormone secretion and subsequent testosterone production
  • Increased tissue sensitivity to insulin
  • Cardioprotective properties, reducing the risk of myocardial infarction and facilitating myocardial regeneration
  • Anti-inflammatory effects and positive influence on hair follicle growth
  • Enhanced healing of damaged corneas in the treatment of dry eye syndrome and neurotrophic keratopathy

Side Effects

  • Possible redness and pain at the injection site

Usage and Dosage

The loading phase involves a weekly dose of 2-6 mg, divided into two injections (e.g., 2 mg each on Monday and Wednesday) for a month. The maintenance phase consists of 2-4 mg per week, divided into two injections, lasting approximately 1-2 months. An alternative dosing scheme involves a loading dose of 10 mg in the first week (1-2 mg per day), followed by 5 mg per week (divided into two injections ) for five weeks. The maintenance dose is 10 mg per month (2 mg every six days) and has been found effective by many athletes using TB-500. As knowledge advances, dosing protocols may evolve.

Combination with Other Drugs

Combining TB-500 with growth hormone, GHRP, or GHRH can enhance its tissue regeneration effects. In cases of tendon injuries and bone fractures, adding BPC-157 is recommended, as the combination yields a pronounced synergistic regenerative effect.

Preparation and Storage

To prepare the injection solution, a syringe containing the diluent is injected into the vial containing the lyophilized powder. The diluent should be slowly added to the vial's wall, without directly injecting it into the powder. Gently mix the solution until the powder completely dissolves, creating a clear liquid. The prepared solution can be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8°C for approximately 21 days, or longer if bacteriostatic water was used as the diluent. Avoid mixing different peptides in the same syringe to prevent degradation of fragile peptide molecules.

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