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PCT - Minimum stack

Boost Your Recovery: Understanding PCT and Supporting Your Health

This comprehensive stack includes essential products and tadalafil (Cialyn) to help manage potential erection difficulties during the initial PCT phase, while your natural testosterone levels recover. It also offers valuable benefits for men's health by promoting blood flow to the pelvic area, protecting the prostate and reducing the risk of prostatitis.

What is PCT

Anabolic steroid use replaces your natural testosterone production during the cycle. While steroids are circulating in your bloodstream, your body stops producing its own testosterone. After the cycle ends, steroid molecules are gradually eliminated, leaving you without your natural testosterone. Although your body will begin producing testosterone again, it does so at a slower rate than needed. This is where drugs like clomiphene and tamoxifen come into play, accelerating the process and ensuring your body produces testosterone as quickly as possible.

PCT helps prevent a drastic decline in muscle mass gained during the cycle and re-establishes hormonal balance in your body. Essentially, it returns your body to its pre-cycle state. The sooner you initiate PCT, the fewer losses you'll experience.

While PCT protocols are typically simpler than steroid cycles, they are just as crucial. Consider PCT the second phase of your cycle, focused on retaining your hard-earned results.

The effectiveness of your PCT directly impacts the benefits you gain from your previous cycle and influences the success of future cycles. Neglecting PCT can lead to a complete loss of gains from the cycle, requiring you to start over during the next one. This essentially stalls your progress, resulting in minimal gains from cycle to cycle.

Key Insights on PCT

After every steroid cycle, a recovery period known as post-cycle therapy (PCT) is essential. Each anabolic steroid cycle disrupts various bodily systems, primarily impacting your reproductive system. Put simply, it alters your natural settings, making them "advanced," which triggers numerous changes.

Your body perceives steroids as if you're introducing external testosterone. Consequently, your body reduces its natural testosterone production after a couple of weeks. With longer cycles, your testicles, responsible for daily testosterone production, can essentially forget their function and enter a prolonged state of inactivity. The typical male body produces approximately 7 mg of testosterone per day. However, by introducing large amounts of anabolic steroids (compared to natural levels), you effectively shut down your natural testosterone production, bringing it down to zero.

The Main Goal of PCT

The primary aim of PCT is to stimulate your body to produce its own testosterone after discontinuing all drugs. This isn't a simple task because your natural testosterone production is completely halted during the cycle. Even after extended cycles, your testosterone will eventually restore itself, but this can take a considerable amount of time. During this period, you'll not only lose all your gains but also experience psychological discomfort due to the complete absence of testosterone, the primary male hormone. Prolonged testosterone deficiency leads to not only psychological distress but also harms your overall health, placing you in a state of hypogonadism, according to medical diagnosis.

Skipping PCT can lead to various issues associated with low testosterone levels. Low testosterone levels can hinder your athletic performance, negatively impact your mental well-being, and affect numerous body systems. We strongly recommend taking post-cycle therapy seriously. In fact, it might be even more crucial than the steroid cycle itself. If you've intentionally disrupted your body's natural balance by increasing androgen levels, it's imperative to restore the balance as quickly as possible when androgen levels are too low. Essentially, we're engaging in an anabolic game, and it's crucial to play by the rules.

PCT for Short or Mild Cycles

The bottom line is that PCT is a necessary and integral part of any steroid cycle. PCT is recommended even after the shortest and mildest cycles. The duration and difficulty of recovery depend on the length of the cycle and the total dosages used. Don't assume you can skip PCT if you've only used low dosages for 6 weeks. You never know how quickly your body will recover and what your reaction will be to the complete absence of testosterone in your blood. Remember, steroid hormone production is also linked to neurosteroids, which significantly influence your behavior and emotional state.

PCT is mandatory after any steroid use, even if you've only used a single drug like oxandrolone at the lowest dosages. Individual responses vary, and recovery from cycles can sometimes be delayed. Never listen to those who claim that certain cycles don't require PCT – it's always a misconception.

Using SERMs to Restore Testosterone

The main objective of PCT is to restore your body's natural testosterone production. Achieving this goal necessitates the use of anti-estrogenic drugs (SERMs). Enclomilad (Enclomiphene), and Nolvados (Tamoxifen) are classified as SERMs - selective estrogen receptor modulators. This means these agents act selectively: they bind to estrogen receptors and activate them in some tissues, while they bind and block them in others.


Enclomilad is a novel selective estrogen receptor modulator that overcomes many drawbacks associated with other SERMs. Enclomiphene is a derivative of clomiphene but more effective. Importantly, enclomiphene was specifically designed to combat secondary hypogonadism in men (suppression of testosterone production due to anabolic steroids or other drugs is a form of secondary hypogonadism).

Recommended dosages for enclomiphene are 12.5 and 25 mg per day.

For comprehensive information on the effects of this product, follow this link


Enclomilad selectively blocks estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, while Nolvados can act as an antagonist of estrogen receptors in all organs and tissues. Using both leads to an increase in estrogen levels in the blood – a natural response of the body to reduced tissue sensitivity to these hormones.

For comprehensive information on the effects of this product, follow this link

Supporting Men's Health During PCT

During the initial phase of PCT, when your testosterone levels are low, you may experience a temporary decrease in erection strength and libido. At this time, using aphrodisiacs, whether natural or pharmaceutical options like cialis and Viagra, can help navigate this phase with more confidence.

Cialyn (Tadalafil)

This medication provides valuable support in restoring a weakened erection. Cialyn not only helps achieve a normal erection (which may be challenging during this period), but research suggests it may also contribute to increased testosterone levels. A daily dose of 5 mg tadalafil for three months has been shown to increase total testosterone levels by an impressive 30 percent. The duration of action for this medication is 24-36 hours, making it convenient to use. Some individuals may experience benefits with dosages as low as 2.5-5 mg. In addition to its impact on erections, cialis has a positive effect on the prostate, making it a beneficial option for men's health throughout the PCT.

For comprehensive information on the effects of this product, follow this link

PCT - Minimum stack

Product to choose from

Clomilad 25 mg (Clomiphene Citrate) Clomilad 25 mg (Clomiphene Citrate) x 1 39.99€ 39.99€
Enclomilad 12.5 mg (Enclomiphene citrate) Enclomilad 12.5 mg (Enclomiphene citrate) x 2 54.28€ 108.56€
Nolvados 10 mg (Tamoxifen Citrate) Nolvados 10 mg (Tamoxifen Citrate) x 1 32.85€ 32.85€
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