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Melanotan 2 10mg

Melanotan 2 10mg
Melanotan 2 10mg
Melanotan 2 10mg
Melanotan 2 10mg
Melanotan 2 10mg
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Package: 10mg/vial+water
SAVE -30%


Melanotan 2 is an innovative method for stimulating tanning and protecting against the harmful effects of UV radiation. It is a synthetic peptide analogue of the natural hormone melanocortin, which plays a key role in stimulating the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color and UV protection. Melanotan 2 offers several attractive effects for individuals of various ages and genders, including increased sexual desire (libido), appetite suppression for weight loss purposes, and more.

There are two types of this peptide: Melanotan 1 and Melanotan 2. Melanotan 1 is a milder peptide with systemic effects and has been approved for use in Italy. Melanotan 2, on the other hand, surpasses Melanotan 1 in terms of its potency in stimulating melanocortin receptors, resulting in a more pronounced tan.

Mechanism of Action:

Melanotan 2 belongs to the melanotropin family, a group of peptides that interact with melanocortin receptors and exert a wide range of effects on various tissue types. Other melanotropic hormones include ACTH and alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (a-MSH). Melanotan 2 is a structurally modified analogue of alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone designed to reduce enzymatic degradation and enhance receptor binding.

The melanocortin system, composed of melanocortin receptors (MCRs), plays a vital role in mediating the actions of Melanotan 2. MCRs exist in different subtypes throughout the body, regulating various functions. The melanocortin system influences energy balance, thyroid function, insulin response, skin pigmentation, reproductive function, pain modulation, inflammation response, neuroprotection, aggression, circadian rhythms, and more. It interacts with other neuropeptide systems, such as leptin and ghrelin.

Effects of Pigmentation:

Melanotan 2 was initially studied for its ability to induce skin pigmentation via melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) activity. The unintended discovery of Melanotan 2's ability to induce erections and increase libido in both men and women led to further exploration of its potential for treating sexual dysfunction. Nevertheless, pigmentation remains one of the most well-known effects of Melanotan 2. Melanotan 2 can provide a "therapeutic tan" even in individuals at risk, as increased melanin expression results in darker skin pigmentation and reduced risk of UV-related skin cancers.

Erection and Libido Enhancement Effects:

Melanotan 2 is capable of causing acute sexual arousal, increased libido, and improved erection parameters in both men and women. It has been found effective in treating psychogenic erectile dysfunction as well as other types of erectile dysfunction. Its effects on sexual desire warrant further investigation into the treatment of sexual desire disorders. Melanotan 2 primarily acts in the brain and is known to stimulate genital arousal and increase libido in both genders. Its erectile properties are partly attributed to the release of neuronal nitric oxide.

Melanocortin System and Obesity:

The melanocortin system is a potential therapeutic target for reducing appetite and weight, increasing fatty acid oxidation, and treating obesity-related conditions like insulin resistance, diabetes, and hypertension. Alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH), an endogenous stimulator of the melanocortin system, serves as the main focus. Animal studies demonstrate the potential of alpha-MSH or analogues like Melanotan 2 to reduce weight, restore sensitivity to other hormones (e.g., thyroid hormones), and decrease hunger. Melanotan 2 has shown significant effects on caloric intake reduction, increased insulin sensitivity, improved glucose tolerance, and some weight loss in humans.

Melanocortin System and Inflammation:

The melanocortin system's receptors are involved in experimental models of inflammation. Studies indicate that Melanotan 2 possesses anti-inflammatory effects and may contribute to improved blood vessel health.


  • Stimulation of tanning without direct exposure to sunlight
  • Prevention of skin diseases induced by harmful UV rays
  • Increased sexual desire (libido)
  • Weight loss through appetite suppression

Side Effects:

  • Skin redness
  • Nausea
  • Fever
  • Drowsiness and fatigue
  • Reversible dark spots on the skin

How to Use:

Melanotan 2 should not be used in excessive doses or with excessive frequency. During the first week, avoid excessive UV exposure and remember to moisturize the skin. For individuals with fair skin, recommended dosages range from 100-200 mcg per day or every other day. To achieve the desired skin tone and minimize the risk of "melanotan freckles," avoid exceeding recommended dosages and limit sun exposure. Allow your body to naturally accumulate melanin. Typically, the drug is used for 2-3 weeks until the desired skin tone is achieved, followed by a reduced maintenance dose. Starting with a lower dosage of 50-100 mcg is advisable to avoid side effects such as tachycardia and skin redness.

An overdose case has been reported, involving a single administration of 6 mg. Severe pain spread throughout the body shortly after the injection. The individual experienced increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, myoglobin release (indicating muscle damage), and kidney damage. It is recommended not to exceed a daily dosage of 1 mg, and if any heart-related or body-wide discomfort occurs, discontinue the drug immediately.

How to Prepare a Solution:

To prepare an injection solution, use a syringe containing the diluent and inject it into the vial with the lyophilized powder. Tilt the vial so that the needle touches the vial wall, allowing the diluent to flow down slowly (do not fill the vial all at once). Gently mix the solution without agitating or shaking the vial until the powder dissolves completely, resulting in a clear liquid. The solution is now ready for use.

Never mix different peptides in the same syringe to avoid damaging fragile peptide molecules.


  • The injection can be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly, depending on personal preference.


  • The prepared solution can be stored for approximately 21 days in a refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius. The storage time can be extended if bacteriostatic water is used for preparation.
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