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LGD4033 (Ligandrol)

LGD4033 (Ligandrol)
LGD4033 (Ligandrol)
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Package: 10mg/tab/50tabs
SAVE -30%

About Ligandrol

  • One of the most effective SARMs for increasing muscle and strength. Ideal for bulking cycles.
  • Significantly suppresses testosterone levels compared to other SARMs.
  • May cause fluid retention in the muscles, resulting in a slightly edematous appearance.
  • Like other SARMs, it can affect the lipid profile and elevate liver enzymes.

What is Ligandrol?

Ligandrol, also known as LGD4033, is a widely used SARM that has undergone several human clinical trials and is currently in phase 2 clinical trials. Initially developed by Ligand Pharmaceutical for muscle wasting diseases such as cancer or AIDS, Ligandrol is a second-generation SARM, offering improvements over earlier versions like S4. In terms of research, Ligandrol ranks as the second most studied SARM, following Ostarine.

Ligandrol is highly regarded for its muscle-building properties, although it also exhibits the most notable suppression of natural testosterone production among SARMs. However, its extended half-life of 24 to 36 hours allows for once-daily dosing, leading to increasing concentrations in the bloodstream over time.


  • Significant increase in muscle mass, potentially accompanied by mild fluid retention (as reported by users on Reddit).
  • Notable enhancement in strength levels, making Ligandrol one of the most effective SARMs in this regard.
  • Improved bone mineral density.
  • Reduction in SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) levels. Ligandrol decreases SHBG, a protein that binds to testosterone, thereby increasing the amount of free testosterone available for use.

Testosterone Suppression

Ligandrol is known to cause more pronounced suppression of testosterone compared to other SARMs. As a result, users may experience symptoms such as reduced libido and other signs of low testosterone, typically occurring around the fourth week. The severity of these symptoms depends on individual baseline testosterone levels and sensitivity. Notably, LGD4033 exhibits dose-dependent testosterone suppression. In a scientific study, hormone levels returned to baseline by day 56 after a 21-day Ligandrol cycle, emphasizing the necessity of post-cycle therapy (PCT).

To mitigate the decline in blood testosterone, it is advisable to include selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) such as clomiphene or tamoxifen, or testosterone/gonadotropin during the Ligandrol cycle to maintain adequate testosterone levels.

Impact on the Liver

Ligandrol usage may lead to elevated liver enzymes, specifically ALT and AST. To counteract this potential side effect, supplements such as NAC (N-acetylcysteine) in the range of 600-1200 mg, TUDCA (tauroursodeoxycholic acid) at 500 mg, and ALA (alpha-lipoic acid) at 500 mg can provide protection.

Changes in Lipid Profile

While SARMs have a less significant impact on cholesterol levels compared to anabolic steroids, they can still influence lipid profiles. Typically, SARMs reduce HDL (good cholesterol) levels and increase LDL (bad cholesterol). Regular blood tests to monitor cholesterol levels are advisable during a Ligandrol cycle.


The half-life of Ligandrol is approximately 24 to 36 hours.


  • Minimum effective dosage (beginner): 5-10 mg
  • Average dosage: 10-30 mg
  • Maximum recommended dosage: 40 mg
  • Women: 5 mg
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