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Somatropin HGH Liquid 100iu

Somatropin HGH Liquid 100iu
Somatropin HGH Liquid 100iu
Somatropin HGH Liquid 100iu
Somatropin HGH Liquid 100iu
Somatropin HGH Liquid 100iu
Somatropin HGH Liquid 100iu
Somatropin HGH Liquid 100iu
Somatropin HGH Liquid 100iu
Somatropin HGH Liquid 100iu
Somatropin HGH Liquid 100iu
Somatropin HGH Liquid 100iu
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Package: 2 x Vials 50 iu
SAVE -30%

What is Growth Hormone?

Somatotropin, or growth hormone, is a peptide hormone produced in the anterior pituitary gland. It affects protein synthesis, regulates carbohydrate metabolism, participates in tissue regeneration after injuries, and is involved in the functioning of many systems and organs. Growth hormone is a hormone that stimulates growth, cell proliferation, and renewal in humans and animals. It is one of the most important hormones for human development.

Growth hormone is one of the key hormones regulating the growth of all organs and tissues. It induces bone growth, participates in the regulation of lipid, carbohydrate, nitrogen, and mineral metabolism, as well as electrolyte balance. Growth hormone accelerates lipolysis in adipocytes, enhances amino acid uptake, and nitrogen retention in muscles, helping to maintain muscle mass and strength. GH also regulates the synthesis of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which is secreted by tissues, especially the liver. IGF-1 is important for body growth and metabolic processes.

The body actively produces growth hormone during the period of growth. It is thanks to growth hormone that we grow, develop, and transform from infants into adults. The maximum secretion of somatropin occurs in early childhood, peak levels occur at the time of puberty, and the decline in growth hormone production by the body begins at the age of 25.

Growth hormone enhances muscle mass growth, showing pronounced anabolic and anti-catabolic effects by increasing protein synthesis and inhibiting its breakdown. It helps reduce subcutaneous fat content and enhances fat burning during exercise. It is precisely for these effects that athletes appreciate growth hormone.

Somatropin participates in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, exerting a counter-insulin effect (reducing insulin activity), which raises blood sugar levels and is then used by the body during exertion as an energy source. Growth hormone also serves to prevent osteoporosis by stimulating calcium absorption by bone tissue, especially during muscle work.

Impact of Growth Hormone

Growth hormone acts as an intermediary: it is an intermediate link in the synthesis of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), and it is IGF-1 that performs the main effects we are accustomed to receiving from growth hormone. However, growth hormone also performs many functions in the body directly by binding to its specific receptors.

Properties of growth hormone without mediated effects through IGF-1:

  • Stimulates lipolysis – the breakdown of fat molecules into fatty acids
  • Increases the permeability of cell membranes for a range of amino acids, facilitating the delivery of "building material" to cells
  • Increases calcium retention by the body, leading to bone strengthening
  • Stimulates the immune system
  • Stimulates the conversion of thyroxine (T4) to triiodothyronine (T3)
  • Raises blood glucose levels

Conversion to IGF-1

Some effects of the drug occur directly, but a significant portion of its effects are mediated by insulin-like growth factor IGF-1 (previously known as somatomedin C), which is produced under the action of somatotropin in the liver and stimulates the growth of most internal organs. Practically all the effects of growth hormone in sports are related to the action of IGF-1, so growth hormone partially serves as a mediator, that is, it is an intermediate link in the synthesis of another hormone. Some of the functions often attributed to growth hormone are actually carried out by IGF-1 – this applies, in particular, to the growth of various tissues in the body.

  • Increases the amount of antioxidants in the body
  • Helps fight inflammatory processes
  • Maintains blood sugar balance and electrolyte balance in the body
  • Helps prevent heart disease
  • Improves brain function (particularly helpful in stroke recovery)
  • Anabolic action - promotes muscle growth
  • Accelerates wound healing - increases collagen synthesis
  • Strengthens bones - increases calcium retention by the body, leading to bone strengthening

What Growth Hormone is Used For

Strengthening Ligaments and Joints

Since in powerlifting and power sports, results largely depend on the strength of ligaments, growth hormone is highly effective here. Moreover, a lot of it is not needed for this purpose. However, in team sports and martial arts, where injuries to the joint-ligament apparatus are common, growth hormone has become actively used in the rehabilitation process: it has been shown to significantly reduce the period of forced rest for athletes.

Increase in Explosive Strength

Another application of growth hormone is to increase speed characteristics, mainly for sprinters and those "game" athletes who are frequently required to make explosive movements (European and American football, hockey, rugby, etc.), as well as representatives of martial arts.

Increase in Muscle Mass

Elevated levels of somatotropin lead to a substantial increase in protein synthesis by suppressing amino acid oxidation. Synergists of growth hormone in this regard are anabolic steroids and IGF-1. Additionally, growth hormone almost completely suppresses glucose uptake by fat cells even in the presence of insulin. Most of the released glucose is taken up by muscles - both anabolism and benefits for preventing fat deposition.

Fat Burning

Growth hormone has a pronounced lipolytic effect, so many bodybuilders and people looking to improve their physique and give their body an athletic appearance use growth hormone for this purpose.

Anti-Aging Therapy

One of the cases of growth hormone deficiency in adults is associated with aging: approximately from the age of 40-45, the production of endogenous somatotropin sharply declines, which can lead to the development of many problems such as worsening cholesterol levels, decreased muscle mass, osteoporosis, reduced collagen synthesis, and others. Injections of synthetic growth hormone can definitely help.

Dosages for Liquid Human Growth Hormone

  • Anti-aging therapy: 1-1.5 IU/day
  • Strengthening of ligaments and joints, recovery after injuries: 2-3 IU/day
  • Faster recovery of performance after heavy loads: 3-4 IU/day
  • Fat burning: 3-6 IU/day
  • Increase in muscle volume: 6-12 IU/day


  • Cardiovascular Problems
  • Oncology
  • Type 2 Diabetes

Side Effects

To begin with, it should be noted that growth hormone is a fairly safe drug if used according to the recommended instructions. Common side effects may include fluid retention and increased blood pressure, carpal tunnel syndrome, as well as elevated blood glucose levels.

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Fluid Retention
  • Increased Blood Pressure
  • Suppression of Thyroid Function
  • HyperglycemiaTop of Form
  • Arthralgia

Usage of Liquid HGH

Liquid form consists of 2 vials containing ready-made liquid, which can be used immediately without additional manipulations.

At this stage, it is important to note that while liquid and dry growth hormone are the same substance, there is a significant difference in the production process and properties of the final product. It is important to know: liquid growth hormone is not dissolved by anyone, it is already synthesized in liquid form, and during the production process, the fragile molecules of growth hormone are minimally subjected to destructive influences because lyophilization technology is not used. Thus, the most "harmful" stages are excluded from the production process, and the resulting liquid form becomes even more convenient for the end consumer.

It turns out that growth hormone is more stable than previously thought, and there is plenty of scientifically proven data. Liquid growth hormone has proven to be so effective that it has passed all tests and has been introduced to the market as a finished product. Therefore, all growth hormone manufacturers are currently transitioning to the new standard of producing the liquid form of the drug.


Liquid growth hormone can remain stable at room temperature for more than 40 days without changes due to special stabilizers included in its composition. After you open the bottle, store the product in the refrigerator (but not at the back wall). If you are going on a trip, you can confidently take the bottle with you. As mentioned above, growth hormone can be stored for a sufficiently long time at temperatures up to 30 degrees Celsius.

In the refrigerator, liquid growth hormone can be stored in a closed state for the shelf life indicated on the label, usually from 3 to 5 years. The shelf life of the hormone in a bottle you have opened depends on how many bacteria enter the bottle. Every time you pierce the bottle's cap, they inevitably get inside, and over time, their accumulation begins to degrade the molecules of growth hormone. Therefore, it is not advisable to stretch the use of one bottle over many months.


Mistakes can be made in maintaining the temperature regime; for example, freezing destroys growth hormone, just as transporting it in hot temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius for an extended period does. Storage should be in the refrigerator, but not at the back wall, where the temperature is significantly lower than allowed.


Do I need to do post cycle therapy (PCT) after taking Human Growth Hormone?

Growth hormone does not affect your sex hormone levels, so you do not need PCT after you have finished using growth hormone

Is HGH inject is harmful?

Injections are made with a small insulin syringe with a needle of a maximum of 13 mm long subcutaneously, so you will not feel any pain

How does human growth hormone for women?

More women are now exploring HGH for its anti-aging and weight-loss properties. Deficiency in human growth hormone in women is due to the pituitary gland not producing enough HGH. This can be reversed with growth hormone therapy. Signs of HGH deficiency include dry skin, thinning hair, greater belly fat and the development of wrinkles. Adequate HGH levels help women improve an appropriate body-fat ratio and elasticity in skin. Risk of osteoporosis is reduced when HIGH levels in women are balanced. HGH injections may help normalize sleep patterns, improve skin elasticity, help lose excess fat and enhance the immune system.

What should I expect using Growth Hormone?

The main reason for the high popularity of growth hormone in sports is the ability to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat. In addition, some studies have shown that taking somatotropin leads to an increase in lean muscle mass, connective tissues and an increase in muscle cell volume due to fluid accumulation.

Is it possible to use growth hormone with anabolic steroids?

Growth hormone when used with anabolic steroids enhances them, so most often bodybuilders use growth hormone in this way.

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