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Mastelad 100 mg/ml (Drostanolone Propionate) 10ml vial

Mastelad 100 mg/ml (Drostanolone Propionate) 10ml vial
Mastelad 100 mg/ml (Drostanolone Propionate) 10ml vial
Mastelad 100 mg/ml (Drostanolone Propionate) 10ml vial
Mastelad 100 mg/ml (Drostanolone Propionate) 10ml vial
Mastelad 100 mg/ml (Drostanolone Propionate) 10ml vial
Mastelad 100 mg/ml (Drostanolone Propionate) 10ml vial
Mastelad 100 mg/ml (Drostanolone Propionate) 10ml vial
Mastelad 100 mg/ml (Drostanolone Propionate) 10ml vial
Mastelad 100 mg/ml (Drostanolone Propionate) 10ml vial
Mastelad 100 mg/ml (Drostanolone Propionate) 10ml vial
Mastelad 100 mg/ml (Drostanolone Propionate) 10ml vial
Mastelad 100 mg/ml (Drostanolone Propionate) 10ml vial
Mastelad 100 mg/ml (Drostanolone Propionate) 10ml vial
Mastelad 100 mg/ml (Drostanolone Propionate) 10ml vial
Mastelad 100 mg/ml (Drostanolone Propionate) 10ml vial
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What is Mastelad 100 mg/ml (Drostanolone Propionate)?

Mastelad (Drostanolone Propionate) is a synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS). The drug is derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The medication is widely used in the bodybuilding sphere. Sportsmen, athletes, and bodybuilders use it to activate and speed up fat burning, improve muscle hardness, and improve muscle definition. The unique properties of this chemical compound make it an ideal choice for those individuals who want to enhance physical performance, make muscles more hardened and dense, and achieve a lean physique.

Drostanolone Propionate is a chemical compound first synthesized in the 1960s. It demonstrated potent anti-estrogenic effects during research. Thus, initially, it was used to treat breast cancer in postmenopausal women. However, over time, its role in modern medicine has diminished due to the development of new methods of treatment. This is why, nowadays, the drug is mainly used in the sports community to improve physical performance and achieve higher results.

In the context of athletic performance, the chemical ingredient is valued for its ability to retain muscle mass while promoting fat loss. It does not aromatize to estrogen, which minimizes water retention and other estrogen-related side effects. This feature makes the drug popular during cutting cycles when athletes aim to reduce the amount of body fat and enhance muscle definition.

Primary Effects and Benefits

Drostanolone Propionate is beneficial for athletes and bodybuilders due to several significant benefits:

  1. Muscle hardness and density. The component is widely used to improve muscle density and hardness. This effect is especially desired by sports enthusiasts during cutting cycles. The non-aromatizing nature of the compound prevents water retention, contributing to a dry, lean appearance.

    To assess the effect of the drug on muscle shaping, changes in BMI, AMC (arm muscle circumference), and thigh circumference were measured. Compared to the control group, those individuals who take the medication demonstrate impressive results in enhancing muscle mass and overall body size.

  2. Fat loss. The ingredient contributes to losing weight due to the launch of metabolic processes. The steroid enhances lipolysis, due to which fat is used for energy production. By acting on fat stores, the component initiates their breakdown for free fatty acids that are utilized by the body for energy production. Numerous studies approved an increased pace of fat oxidation in individuals who take DHT-derived steroids. This peculiarity makes the ingredient especially beneficial and popular in the bodybuilding community.
  3. Strength gains. Drug consumers frequently report significant gains in power and strength. Due to this feature, sportsmen who seek enhanced performance capabilities pay attention to this product. High strength and performance gains are achieved due to the drug’s androgenic effects.
  4. Improved focus and mood. Although this benefit is not scientifically approved, the ingredient affects cognitive function and mood. Due to its properties, the component has a positive effect on motivation, well-being, and focus. Enhancement of these cognitive functions helps achieve higher results during competitions.
  5. Anti-estrogenic effects. The chemical component is well-known due to its anti-estrogenic properties. They make the drug an effective addition to cycles that aim to minimize estrogen-related side effects like water retention and gynecomastia. This feature of the ingredient was discovered when studying its effect on breast cancer. The suppression of estrogen activity helps achieve these properties and guarantees efficiency.

Mechanism of Action

The chemical component affects the body and causes the above-mentioned benefits by initiating the following chain of biological processes:

  1. Connection with androgen receptors. Androgen receptors (AR) are located in muscle tissues. By penetrating the body, the ingredient connects with them. This connection further initiates a chain of molecular reactions in the body, which contributes to protein synthesis and muscle growth. Note that AR and Drostanolone are well-compatible, which improves the anabolic effect of the latter if compared to other steroids like testosterone. Once a stable AR-Drostanolone connection is settled, the mix moves to the nucleus of muscle cells. There, it binds to specific DNA sequences called androgen response elements (AREs). This mechanism regulates the transcription of genes involved in muscle protein synthesis, which allows for increasing protein synthesis and ensuring sound muscle growth and recovery.

    The normal function of the AR is demonstrated in the picture. Testosterone (T) enters the cell. If 5-alpha-reductase is present there, it is converted into dihydrotesterone (DHT). When a steroid is connected to the AR, the latter undergoes changes and releases heat shock proteins (HSPs). The process of transferring a phosphoric acid residue from a donor phosphorylating agent to a substrate occurs. When the AR is translocated to the nucleus, a row of processes takes place. Namely, these include the process of forming a new substance by combining two structural elements, DNA binding, and the recruitment of coactivators. Target genes are transcribed (mRNA) and translated into proteins.
  2. Anti-estrogenic effects. Being a DHT derivative, Drostanolone demonstrates strong anti-estrogenic properties. When penetrating cells, the ingredient competes with natural body estrogen trying to take its place in combinations with the AR. This action leads to suppressing estrogen-mediated cellular processes. This effect allows for avoiding gynecomastia and water retention, which come as popular problems with other steroids that aromatize into estrogen. Moreover, Drostanolone can suppress aromatase expression. This enzyme is responsible for converting androgens to estrogens, which leads to the reduction of the level of estrogen in the body.
  3. Enhanced lipolysis. Drostanolone Propionate helps improve the process of losing extra kilos by increasing the activity of hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) and other enzymes involved in fat metabolism. The ingredient stands as androgen that upregulates the expression of HSL and adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL). This peculiarity facilitates the breakdown of stored triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol. Further, these acids are transported into mitochondria where they are oxidized to produce energy. This bioprocess helps reduce fat stores and build a slender physique.
  4. Suppression of glucocorticoid hormones. Several types of glucocorticoid hormones, such as cortisol, are present in the human body. They are catabolic and can lead to muscle breakdown. By suppressing these hormones, Drostanolone reduces the catabolic effects of cortisol and prevents muscle breakdown. This peculiarity of the ingredient helps preserve muscle mass even during periods of intense training or caloric deficit.
  5. Increased nitrogen retention. Nitrogen retention is a key indicator of muscle anabolism. By retaining nitrogen in muscle tissues, the ingredient creates a favorable environment for muscle growth. Keeping the nitrogen level elevated allows patients to support protein synthesis and reduce muscle catabolism, contributing to overall muscle hypertrophy.


Drostanolone Propionate is used as a useful supplement for achieving different purposes, including:

  1. Cutting cycles. In bodybuilding, the drug is commonly used during cutting cycles when sportsmen want to enhance muscle definition and reduce body fat. A lean athletic physique is crucial for sports competitions. Thus, the medication’s ability to retain muscle mass while promoting fat loss makes it an invaluable tool during these phases.
  2. Strength and performance enhancement. The drug features the ability to increase strength without significant weight gain. Thus, Drostanolone Propionate gains popularity among athletes who are involved in sports where weight categories are crucial, such as wrestling, mixed martial arts, and powerlifting. The medication helps sportsmen improve strength and enhances overall performance while keeping them in their weight categories.

    The result of the intake of anabolic steroids is shown on the A graph. Consumers significantly increased lean body mass, while the control group showed no significant changes. Initially, there were no significant differences in fat mass percentage (Graph B) between the groups. This finding proves the fact that such drugs increase muscle mass.

  3. Medical uses. Initially, the medication was developed as a treatment for breast cancer in postmenopausal women. Since the ingredient shows anti-estrogenic properties, it helps fight cancer and manage related symptoms. Although nowadays it was replaced by more advanced drugs, Drostanolone is still applied to hormone-sensitive kinds of cancer.
  4. Recomposition cycle. The ingredient is also effective during the recomposition cycle, where the goal is to build muscle and lose fat simultaneously. The drug’s properties to reduce the amount of fat while increasing muscle mass is perfect for this objective.

Dosages, Administration, and Precautions

To maximize the benefit of the drug intake and minimize risks, it’s necessary to approach the issue of calculating an optimal dosage and compiling a cycle duration and frequency with caution. To monitor the effectiveness of intake and ensure safe use, it’s necessary to undergo regular examinations and pass medical tests.



It’s advisable to range dosages from 300 to 500 mg per week. Note that due to its short half-life, it’s recommended to divide drug injections into multiple administrations. Experts suggest taking a new injection every other day to maintain the required level of the ingredient in the body. 

When used for hormone replacement therapy, the dosages typically range from 75 to 200 mg per week. Drostanolone reduces sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) and increases the level of free testosterone. Compared to other SHBG-reducing DHT derivatives like stanozolol, the medication is more challenging to detect in doping control, making it a preferred choice for some athletes.

  • Beginner: 50 mg (every other day).
  • Average dosage: 100 mg (every other day).
  • High dosage: 50+ mg (every day).


For women, recommended dosages are significantly lower. Usually, an optimal dosage ranges from 50 to 150 mg per week. Lower dosages are appointed to minimize the risk of virilization symptoms. When picking a suitable dosage, it’s advisable to start from the lower end and adjust the amount, based on body response and tolerance. Unlike men, women can handle DHT derivatives without a testosterone base, which allows for minimizing virilization risks.


Intramuscular injections are required for the ingredient to penetrate the body. This administration method allows for ensuring a slow release of the ester into the bloodstream. Remember to stick to proper injection techniques to prevent complications and minimize the risk of infections or abscesses.

Cycle duration.

Typically, one cycle lasts for 6–12 weeks. If you take the drug for longer cycles, the risk of side effects rises, while shorter cycles may not provide full benefits. Drostanolone Propionate is often stacked with other steroids like testosterone or trenbolone.

Synergistic Effects with Testosterone

Drostanolone Propionate is frequently combined with testosterone enanthate in one cycle to provide a synergistic effect. Testosterone serves as the primary anabolic agent that promotes muscle growth, while drostanolone contributes to a more defined and aesthetic look. Simultaneous intake of both components helps increase strength, build lean muscle mass, and achieve a chiseled appearance.

Precautions and Monitoring

  1. Live function. It’s vital to pass liver function tests (LFTs) regularly to monitor the effect of the drug on liver health. Elevated liver enzymes can indicate hepatotoxicity, requiring a reduction in dosage or discontinuation of use.
  2. Lipid profiles. This aspect requires precise monitoring since any surges in the level of cholesterol are listed as common side effects and can affect the cardiovascular system, increasing the risk of related diseases. 
  3. Hormone levels. The assessment of hormones, like estradiol, testosterone, etc. allows for concluding on the effectiveness of post-cycle therapy (PCT) and the suppression of natural testosterone production.
  4. Cardiovascular health. Make sure to pass blood pressure monitoring and electrocardiograms (ECGs) regularly to detect any adverse effects timely and react promptly.
  5. Post-cycle therapy (PCT). Once the treatment cycle is over, it’s recommended to pass post-cycle therapy to restore natural testosterone production and mitigate the suppression caused by exogenous AAS use. PCT methods usually embrace the use of selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).
  6. Individual sensitivity. Although Drostanolone is considered a “mild” steroid, it can cause side effects in patients with high sensitivity. Reports from user forums prove that some consumers experience severe hair loss and prostate issues even at standard dosages. These side effects demonstrate the variability in individual responses to the steroid, highlighting the importance of personalized dosage and close monitoring.

Side Effects

Despite its benefits, Drostanolone Propionate can cause a range of side effects:

  1. Androgenic effects. Since the drug has an androgenic nature, it can cause such unwanted effects as acne, hair loss, and increased body hair growth. As for women, virilization symptoms, such as deepening of the voice, clitoral enlargement, and menstrual irregularities, can be observed.
  2. Cardiovascular risks. The use of anabolic steroids, including Drostanolone Propionate, can negatively impact cardiovascular health. For example, the drug affects lipid layers, causing decreases or increases in cholesterol levels. These changes increase the risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Hepatotoxicity. If compared to oral steroids, Drostanolone is less hepatotoxic. Still, consumers should take caution and monitor their liver function. Especially, when it’s used in combination with other hepatotoxic agents.
  4. Suppression of natural testosterone. The drug injection leads to the suppression of natural testosterone production. This can lead to hypogonadism and associated symptoms such as decreased libido, fatigue, and muscle loss. It’s necessary to undergo post-cycle therapy to restore endogenous hormone levels.
  5. Psychological effects. Some consumers may face mood swings, aggression, and other psychological effects while using anabolic steroids. These effects are likely due to the impact of androgens on the central nervous system.


It’s essential to store Drostanolone Propionate properly to maintain its efficacy and safety:

  1. Temperature. It’s important to store the steroid at room temperature, between 20–25 °C (68–77 °F). Make sure to keep away from direct sunlight, as exposure to light can degrade the compound.
  2. Container. Consumers should store the drug in a tightly sealed vial to prevent contamination and degradation. The container should be child-proof and stored out of reach of children and pets.
  3. Expiration. Users should observe expiration dates and ensure the medication is not used when its shelf life has expired. Expired steroids can lose potency and may pose health risks.

Why to Choose Us?

Driada Medical Store is a place where clients can buy certified quality Drostanolone Propionate online. It’s a full-fledged online pharmacy with extended functionalities. By offering a wide range of therapeutic products and dietary supplements for sale, we satisfy all clients and provide them with the needed medications.

However, our services are not limited to selling Mastelad and other products. Besides an online store, we also have a platform, where like-minded people can interact and find answers to their questions. We invite you to join our community where we discuss medical topics, exchange views and experiences, and help each other.

Our Benefits

  1. A wide assortment of pharmaceuticals and food supplements. We offer diverse medications, which allows us to meet the demands of all clients.
  2. Tests. Our products are laboratory-tested to ensure their quality and safety. Popular products are tested multiple times. Customers can verify their test results, using a unique code for laboratory tests.
  3. An affordable cost. The Drostanolone Propionate price justifies its quality. If compared to competitors, we have reasonable pricing.
  4. Extra services & free consultation. Our managers serve to help clients make the right choice. Besides, we have a Telegram bot @driadacycleadvice_bot that helps pick the needed medications based on blood test results, interpret tests, etc.
  5. Delivery guarantee. If a carrier loses a parcel on the way we resend it to guarantee that clients get the purchased products.

Finally, note that we strive to build trusted relations with our clients. Thus, we stick to the transparency policy. We offer video tours from our facility, so clients can observe where and how products are produced.

Contact our managers to buy Drostanolone Propionate 100 mg/ml and make an order. If you have any difficulties or questions, they will be glad to answer them.


Does Mastelad make you aggressive?

Mood swings and aggression are listed as possible side effects of Mastelad consumption.

Does Mastelad cause ED?

No, the medication does not affect the erectile function.

Does Mastelad affect your heart?

The medication can impact the cardiovascular system, which is why it’s recommended to monitor the condition regularly while taking the drug.

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