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Ipamorelin 2mg

Ipamorelin 2mg
Ipamorelin 2mg
Ipamorelin 2mg
Ipamorelin 2mg
Ipamorelin 2mg
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Package: 2mg/vial+water
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By its chemical structure, Ipamorelin is a synthetic pentapeptide. This feature classifies the ingredient to the growth hormone-releasing peptide (GHRP) family. Multiple studies approved its potent ability to stimulate the secretion of growth hormone (GH). Thus, the medication is recognized to be an effective treatment in both clinical and bodybuilding contexts. Its unique properties differentiate it from other GHRPs. However, these properties make it a popular choice for people who seek to enhance muscle mass and reduce body fat. Moreover, note that the component does not cause the common adverse effects associated with GH therapy.


  1. Enhanced muscle mass. The component promotes muscle growth and increases strength and endurance. Moreover, it’s highly effective in counteracting muscle aging.
  2. Improved recovery. The ingredient helps observe faster recovery after injuries and intense physical activities. Thus, it’s widely used after gym and fitness workouts.
  3. Reduced body fat. The product contributes to weight loss. Due to its enhanced chemical properties, it speeds up fat loss while preserving muscle mass.
  4. Anti-aging effects. The Ipamorelin supplement promotes bone cell formation, which reduces bone deterioration and improves overall bone health. The product is also effective in reducing aging impacts on muscles and enhancing physical performance.
  5. Better cognitive function. The ingredient stimulates the release of growth hormones, which potentially improves memory and learning.
  6. Boosted immune system. The component enhances immune function, which improves the body’s ability to respond to infections and inflammation.

Mechanism of Action

The effect of Ipamorelin is the same as that of Ghrelin. The latter is a natural hormone that stimulates the release of GH from the anterior pituitary gland. Ghrelin binds to the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHSR) in the pituitary and hypothalamus. This binding prompts the release of GH in a controlled manner. By imitating its action in cells, Ipamorelin comes to replace the hormone. Unlike other GHRPs such as GHRP-2 and GHRP-6, Ipamorelin stimulates GH release selectively. It means that the ingredient does not affect other hormones like cortisol and prolactin significantly. This selective action reduces the risk of side effects such as increased appetite, making Ipamorelin particularly suitable for fat loss and muscle building.

Control of Ghrelin Receptors

Ipamorelin establishes a connection with the receptors of the peptide hormone Ghrelin, which is called the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHS-R1a). These receptors are located in the pituitary gland. The drug enters the cell and initiates changes there that block cellular hunger, acting on the corresponding receptors.

Activation of G-Protein-Coupled Receptors

The connection of the component to GHS-R1a activates G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). This process initiates the hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) into diacylglycerol (DAG) and inositol trisphosphate (IP3). The sequence of transformations is called the phospholipase C (PLC) pathway.

Calcium Release and Signal Transduction

As a result of the IP3 effect, calcium ions are released from the endoplasmic reticulum and enter the cytoplasm. This process leads to an increase in the volume of calcium inside the cells. With the help of somatotropic cells of the pituitary gland, the secretion of growth hormone is activated.

Growth Hormone Release

Growth hormone follows the direction of blood flow and initiates the renewal of new tissue cells, muscles, and cell parts. Thus, GH accelerates metabolism and triggers the growth of new tissues. Ipamorelin triggers a chain reaction of natural processes in the body that release growth hormone and send it to cells for speedy renewal.

GH Level Increase After Injection

Ipamorelin helps increase the concentration of growth hormone in cells. The therapeutic component is fast-acting; the effect is noticeable within 15 minutes after administration of the drug. The speed at which the renewal process starts at the cellular level depends on the volume of the injection administered. When growth hormone levels are achieved, the injection dosage is gradually reduced to the initial volume over two hours. It is recommended to follow the drug administration regimen — at least three times a day. With this support of natural renewal at the cellular level, growth hormone will be at the proper level.

Figure 1. Plasma GH levels versus time in swine following i.v. administration of Ipamorelin (●), GHRP-2 (□), GHRP-6 (x) and GHRH (△) using the most efficacious dose.

The reliability of the drug in terms of the degree of body rejuvenation is compared with exogenous injections of growth hormone. For example, from the point of view of activating and triggering the secretion of growth hormone, the dose ratio of 100 mcg of Ipamorelin is approximately equal to 1.5 IU of growth hormone.

Unique Actions of Ipamorelin via Ghrelin Receptors

Selective Activation

Ipamorelin selects and activates only GHS-R1a receptors. Other types of peptides receive sequential effects. At the same time, the drug reduces the likelihood of possible side effects. The selective work of Ipamorelin differs significantly from GH since it does not interact with hunger and satiety receptors. In this regard, the drug works exclusively with selected receptors.

Minimal Cortisol and Prolactin Release

Unlike other drugs, Ipamorelin has a minimal effect on the production of prolactin and cortisol, but in terms of triggering growth hormone, it is not inferior to popular medicinal products. Ipamorelin isolates the main receptors of hunger and satiety for control and initiates GH release. However, the drug does not affect the secretion of prolactin or the pituitary-hypothalamic-adrenal axis (HPA). As a result, conventional injections that trigger the growth hormone reduce the likelihood of side effects such as hyperprolactinemia and hypercortisolism.

No Appetite Stimulation

Ghrelin is a receptor that increases appetite, as it interacts with sensitive receptors in the hypothalamus. No increase in appetite is observed with the administration of Ipamorelin. The medical supplement affects exclusively renewal processes by increasing growth hormone but does not affect the feeling of hunger, selectively acting on the necessary receptors. If patients need to control weight, it is recommended to take ghrelin.

Cytoprotective Effects of Ipamorelin

Ipamorelin acts on the body as a cytoprotective with a wide area of influence due to the selective initiation of ghrelin satiety and hunger receptors (GHS-R1a). The launch of renewal processes inside cells creates new connections that create a reliable protective barrier and prevent damage, prolong the life of cells, and rejuvenate various organs and systems.

Neuroprotective Effects

Ipamorelin has a beneficial effect on the vitality of neurons and neural connections. The drug activates Ghrelin in the hypothalamus and serves as reliable protection against apoptosis. As a result, cognitive functions and memory improve, synaptic plasticity stabilizes, and neuroinflammation decreases. In this regard, the drug is recommended for patients with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, stroke, and traumatic brain injury.

Cardioprotective Effects

Ipamorelin helps improve heart rhythm, as the number of contractions of the heart muscle increases. The patient receives a surge in the activity of the entire system due to Ghrelin receptors. As a result, blood pressure decreases as blood vessels dilate and blood flow increases. Medication intake reduces the likelihood of ischemic heart damage and produces an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect since vessels are reliably protected from atherosclerosis. Ipamorelin demonstrates good cardioprotective properties, as it adjusts connections with Ghrelin receptors without direct administration of growth hormone.

Hepatoprotective Effects

The hepatoprotective properties of Ipamorelin that activate Ghrelin receptors in the liver have been noted. As a result, regeneration of liver cells begins, and patients are protected from oxidative stress and hepatic apoptosis. The supplement is recommended as a concomitant drug to standard liver treatment in cases of fatty degeneration, cirrhosis, and healthy liver function.

Nephroprotective Effects

Ipamorelin shows a nephroprotective effect, as it reduces inflammation in the kidneys and prevents the occurrence of oxidative stress. The drug triggers the activity of Ghrelin receptors in renal tissues and significantly improves kidney function. Ipamorelin is protective against chronic disease and acute kidney injury.

Gastroprotective Effects

Ipamorelin is a drug with good gastroprotective properties. The medication helps maintain the integrity of the gastric mucosa. As a result of the launch of renewal processes throughout the body, the activity of Ghrelin in the gastrointestinal tract increases. In this regard, the healing of the mucous membrane is accelerated, the inflammatory process is significantly reduced, and protection against stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases is created. Patients’ digestion improves and the likelihood of gastrointestinal complications is eliminated.

Clinical Applications

Bodybuilding and Fitness

Ipamorelin is widely popular in the bodybuilding community due to its anabolic properties. Since the medication causes a strong muscle gain effect, athletes take it to enhance muscle mass, improve recovery times, and reduce body fat. The peptide’s ability to increase GH levels without significant side effects makes the supplement an excellent choice for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Note that Ipamorelin does not cause spikes in cortisol or prolactin levels. The product has minimal impact on appetite, which is particularly advantageous for fat loss. Thus, the product is the perfect fitness supplement if compared to other GHRPs such as GHRP-2 and GHRP-6, which significantly increase appetite.

Combining Ipamorelin with CJC-1295 with DAC

To maximize the release of GH and achieve stable muscle building, athletes combine Ipamorelin with CJC-1295 with DAC (Drug Affinity Complex). This combination ensures a more sustained secretion of GH, which leads to enhanced muscle growth, improved fat metabolism, and better overall physical performance.

  • Enhanced GH release. The blend promotes a more sustained GH release in comparison with injecting components separately.
  • Synergistic effects. Ipamorelin and CJC-1295 with DAC complement each other to increase IGF-1 levels and achieve higher anabolic processes in the body.
  • Optimized fat loss. The combination contributes to quick fat loss while preserving lean muscle mass.

Anti-Aging Therapy

GH levels naturally decline with age. The decrease in growth hormone leads to various symptoms such as decreased muscle mass, increased body fat, and reduced skin elasticity. Ipamorelin is widely applied to anti-aging therapies to combat these effects, promote skin rejuvenation, and prolong a young-looking appearance.

Medical Use

Ipamorelin 2mg comes as an effective treatment to eliminate GH deficiencies in both adults and children. Ipamorelin therapy has a beneficial effect on such conditions as growth hormone deficiency (GHD) and Turner syndrome, which helps restore normal growth patterns and metabolic functions.


The concentration of growth hormone achieves its peak within 15 minutes after injection. Over the next two hours after the injection, its concentration gradually decreases to the initial level. This finding suggests that patients should take at least 2–3 injections per day to maintain the optimal level of GH. To achieve the best results, take the injection at least 30–60 minutes before a meal when your blood glucose is not high.

The recommended optimal dosage is 100–200 mcg per injection. Note that if you exceed the indicated dosage, no significant increase in the secretion of growth hormone will be observed.

The duration of the course depends on your goals. However, note that researchers noticed that the medication’s impact on the level of growth hormone decreases after 4-16 weeks of use. This pace of decline in effectiveness will depend on your individual body characteristics.

How to Use Ipamorelin?

All peptide hormones presented in our line are lyophilizate; with the only exception — liquid growth hormone. Peptides are supplied in the form of lyophilized powder and are equipped with a solvent (bacteriostatic water in an ampoule of 1 ml). With its help, patients prepare a solution and store the peptides in liquid form in the future.

Once peptides enter an aqueous environment, they begin to break down quickly. The presence of bacteria, for which the aquatic environment creates ideal conditions for life and reproduction, is one of the reasons for this case. The injection water is sterile. However, as soon as the user opens the package (usually an ampoule or vial), sterility is immediately disrupted. To preserve the sterility of the aquatic environment for as long as possible, benzyl alcohol or metacresol is added to it. This measure helps give a stronger antibacterial effect. The resulting water is called bacteriostatic, which means that bacteria exist in a "static state", i.e. they do not reproduce. The growth hormone and other peptides are able to maintain stability and not break down much longer in a bacteriostatic environment.

How to Prepare the Solution?

  1. You’ll need a syringe to prepare the solution. Take it and fill it with water. Dissolve the content of the vial in one milliliter of water.
  2. Pour water into the bottle with lyophilized powder. Tilt the vial so that the syringe’s needle touches its wall. Prevent the diluent from getting directly into the freeze-dried powder. The diluent should flow down the sides of the bottle slowly. Do not pour everything at once and do not rush.
  3. Once you’re done with adding the solvent to the vial with the peptide, gently stir (but do not shake). Keep stirring it until the lyophilized powder dissolves and you get a clear liquid. Now, the drug is ready for use. Store the prepared solution at a temperature of 2–8 °C.

Watch the video how to prepare the solution ⤵️

Syringes for Injection

Do not use syringes multiple times. Once the syringe is removed from the package, it can cause infection. Patients usually use insulin syringes for subcutaneous injections. Syringes with both removable and non-removable needles are acceptable. G30 is one of the most popular injection needles. Syringes of 1 ml and 0.5 ml are preferable.

Insulin syringes come in U40 and U100 formats. Such formats are chosen due to the insulin content, which is 40 units per 1 ml or 100 units per 1 ml. Each syringe is made specifically for a particular type of insulin. But, this feature has nothing to do with units of growth hormone or mg of peptides. So, patients can use both types of syringes with adjustments to determine the correct dosage. These syringes have different markings. Focusing on each of them allows users to find out the number of GH units that they want to inject. Below, you can find a picture where the dosage of various peptides is indicated if they are stirred with 1 ml of water for the U100 and U40 syringes.

Subcutaneous Injections

When the solution is ready and the peptide is diluted with water, it’s ready for use. All peptides are injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly with an insulin syringe. You will also need:

  • alcohol napkin;
  • an insulin syringe;
  • a bottle with a ready-made solution.

Injection Procedure

  1. Tear off the bottle cap.
  2. Wipe the rubber stopper of the bottle with alcohol.
  3. Take an insulin syringe and stick it in there.
  4. Collect the required amount of solution.
  5. Wipe the injection place with a napkin wetted with alcohol.
  6. Hold the needle at 30–45 degrees and make an injection.
  7. Introduce the solution slowly.
  8. Once finished, do not immediately remove the needle, but hold it for 10 seconds so that the injected liquid does not leak out.


Proper storage of peptide drugs is of key importance since it affects the efficiency and shelf life of treatments. Yet, many people do not understand exactly how to store peptide drugs. Thus, we dedicate this chapter to the explanation of how to store the drug. We’re going to answer all the questions regarding their storage.

First of all, note that the peptide comes in different forms for consumption. Depending on the selected form, storage conditions differ. Thus, find your option and stick to recommendations.

Storage of the Powder Form

It’s recommended to store the powder form (unmixed) at room temperature or in the refrigerator. However, nothing bad will happen to freeze-dried powder if it is not exposed to direct sunlight (or daylight lamps). It’s also possible to heat it up, but the product should not exceed the room temperature. Note that under proper storage conditions, dry peptides can be stored for up to 3 years at a temperature of 2–8 °C and no more than 2 years at a temperature of 15–30 °C.

If the peptide packaging is damaged and air gets inside, the active substance will decompose outside the refrigerator quite quickly. In particular, only about half of the concentration will remain for about two weeks. Thus, if you are not sure about the package's tightness, it’s better to store the medicine in the refrigerator.

Storage of Bacteriostatic Water

The product is supplied with special bacteriostatic water. Note that it should be stored in the refrigerator only at a temperature of 2–8 °C. Otherwise, it may lose its beneficial properties. If you store the peptide and bacteriostatic water in the same package, it’s better to store the whole set in the refrigerator.

Storage of the Solution

After you have mixed the powder with water from the ampoule, the resulting blend can only be stored in the refrigerator. Without a refrigerator, it begins to degrade and all the beneficial molecules will be crushed in a few days. The storage duration of such mixes depends on the substance. For instance, if you have growth hormone, it is stored in the refrigerator for only 2–3 days, while HCG can stay fresh for about 5 weeks. On average, such peptide blends can be stored for at least 30 days. However, as practice shows, some of them can withstand even much longer storage periods. Substance degradation depends on the number of bacteria contained in the blend. Still, it’s impossible to avoid degradation completely, it’s only possible to slow down the process.

Never store peptides in the freezer!

Side Effects

The medication is well-tolerated. However, like any other peptide, it can cause side effects. The most common ones include:

  1. Mild headaches. Some patients suffer from mild headaches, but they usually diminish with continued use.
  2. Dizziness. When patients start consuming the peptide, occasional dizziness may occur, but the side effect disappears over time.
  3. Flushing. Peptide consumers report a temporary feeling of warmth and redness, particularly around the face and neck.
  4. Injection site reactions. Redness, itching, or swelling at the injection site are observed. However, it’s typically mild and short-lived.

Besides, rare side effects may be observed. Some consumers may experience water retention or increased fatigue.

Why to Choose Us?

Driada Medical Store is a trusted supplier of high-quality certified medications and supplements. Being a top-rated online pharmacy, a wide range of products is offered on the website. Clients can buy ipamorelin online and order it to any corner of the globe.

Our customer orientation is one of the main features of our portal. That is, we are not just an online drugstore but a holistic service for consumer consultation. Clients can get professional assistance in selecting suitable drugs, interpreting test results, conducting wellness programs, etc. Thus, our portal embraces different aspects of maintaining health and improving body state.

Our Main Advantages

We point out the following strengths of our platform:

  1. A rich list of products. The catalog embraces medications, supplements, and other treatments.
  2. Certification & Quality Tests. We offer only certified products that have undergone clinical tests. The quality of our products is tested and approved. We have all the required documents and licenses to ensure medication safety for humans.
  3. Affordable prices. The Ipamorelin price is competitive and reasonable. It justifies the peptide’s quality.
  4. Transparency & openness. We offer videos shot at our production facility to show that the manufacturing process complies with international standards.
  5. Free consultation. We offer @driadacycleadvice_bot that assists clients in selecting suitable treatments for their conditions.
  6. Delivery guarantee. Consignments are shipped to any country. If your parcel is lost on the way, we guarantee to resend it. The Ipamorelin cost does not change in the case of a loss.

If you want to stay aware of the latest updates and innovations, we invite you to join our community on Telegram There, participants can chat, ask questions, pick a cycle, and get help.

If you’re searching for Ipamorelin peptides for sale, Driada Medical Store is the best place to make an order. We value our clients and build trusted interactions with consumers to ensure pleasant long-term experiences.


How do I get the most out of Ipamorelin?

To achieve the desired effect, it’s recommended to use the supplement days for several weeks or months. For the best effect, users should inject the solution 30–60 minutes before a meal, when the blood glucose level is low.

Can I take Ipamorelin every day?

Yes, it’s recommended to use the peptide daily to achieve the desired effect. Moreover, several injections per day are required.

Does Ipamorelin increase testosterone?

No, the product does not have a direct effect on testosterone production.

Does Ipamorelin make you look younger?

Yes, since the supplement enhances growth factor, it helps tackle aging changes occurring in skin cells. Thus, the regular intake of the peptide causes skin tightness and elasticity. Eventually, it leads to prolonged youthfulness, a fresh appearance, and postponed fine line and winkle emergence.

Does Ipamorelin help hair growth?

Since the peptide affects growth hormone, it has an indirect effect on hair growth.

Does Ipamorelin increase cortisol?

No, the supplement does not affect cortisol synthesis.

Does Ipamorelin make you hungry?

No, it actually does not affect appetite. Unlike other peptides that cause the feeling of hunger, Ipamorelin does not have this effect.

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