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Boldelad 250 mg/ml (Boldenone Undecylenate) 10ml vial

Boldelad 250 mg/ml (Boldenone Undecylenate) 10ml vial
Boldelad 250 mg/ml (Boldenone Undecylenate) 10ml vial
Boldelad 250 mg/ml (Boldenone Undecylenate) 10ml vial
Boldelad 250 mg/ml (Boldenone Undecylenate) 10ml vial
Boldelad 250 mg/ml (Boldenone Undecylenate) 10ml vial
Boldelad 250 mg/ml (Boldenone Undecylenate) 10ml vial
Boldelad 250 mg/ml (Boldenone Undecylenate) 10ml vial
Boldelad 250 mg/ml (Boldenone Undecylenate) 10ml vial
Boldelad 250 mg/ml (Boldenone Undecylenate) 10ml vial
Boldelad 250 mg/ml (Boldenone Undecylenate) 10ml vial
Boldelad 250 mg/ml (Boldenone Undecylenate) 10ml vial
Boldelad 250 mg/ml (Boldenone Undecylenate) 10ml vial
Boldelad 250 mg/ml (Boldenone Undecylenate) 10ml vial
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Package: 10ml/vial
SAVE -30%

Active ingredient: Boldenone Undecylenate

Type: anabolic steroid (Testosterone derivative)

Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio (Range): 100:50

Form: Injections

Carrier oil: Sesame oil

What is Boldenone Undecylenate (Boldelad)?

Boldenone has a scientific name 1-dihydrotestosterone. By its chemical composition, it’s a synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) derived from testosterone. Originally, the drug was synthesized for veterinary purposes when scientists wanted to improve appetite and affect muscle gain in horses. Boldenone Undecylenate (Boldelad) is an esterified form of the medication, in which the supplement is usually supplied to consumers. It has its trade name Equipoise on the market. The undecylenate ester extends its half-life, which makes it suitable for less frequent dosing regimens. This feature makes the medication beneficial for both veterinary purposes and human use by bodybuilders and athletes.

Boldenone’s structural modification determines its peculiarity. The drug has a double bond between the first and second carbon atoms in the steroid nucleus. This modification leads to a decrease in aromatization — the process of converting testosterone into estrogen. This feature helps eliminate the risk of such side effects as water retention and gynecomastia. As a result of Boldenone intake, patients experience increased muscle growth. This is why the medication is popular among sports enthusiasts who want to achieve muscle building.

Boldenone Undecylenate 250 mg has gained high popularity in bodybuilding and performance enhancement due to its ability to promote steady and sustainable muscle growth. Unlike some other anabolic steroids that may cause rapid and often temporary muscle mass increases, the regarded bodybuilding supplement produces quality muscle tissue over prolonged use. Another advantage includes its ease and convenience of use. Since a long-lasting ester is used, consumers can make injections less frequently — just 1 or 2 times per week. Finally, it features high efficiency while side effects are eliminated. Due to these peculiarities, the drug gains the reputation of being a versatile and reliable anabolic agent among athletes and bodybuilders.

Primary Effects and Benefits

  1. Muscle growth. Bodybuilders and sports enthusiasts take the supplement to increase lean muscle mass.
  2. Strength enhancement. Regular drug intake leads to higher endurance during fitness workouts and remarkable improvements in strength.
  3. Nitrogen retention. Under the action of the medication, nitrogen is retained in the body. It helps create an anabolic environment for future muscle growth.
  4. Protein synthesis. The supplement stimulates increased protein synthesis in the body, which comes as an obligatory requirement for stable muscle repair and growth.
  5. Red blood cell production. The drug stimulates erythropoiesis. Regular intake results in increased red blood cell count and improved oxygenation of tissues.
  6. Appetite stimulation. The supplement enhances appetite. This feature helps bodybuilders who can’t consume the required number of daily calories.

Mechanism of Action

Being an anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS), Boldenone causes the effect on the body through several biochemical pathways. To realize the effect of the drug and its mechanism of action, you should examine its interactions at cellular and molecular levels.

Androgen Receptor Binding

  • Binding affinity. Boldenone has a high affinity for the androgen receptor (AR). Once administered, it is spread by the spontaneous movement of molecules or atoms from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. The movement occurs through the cell membrane of muscle cells and other target tissues. By penetrating cells, Boldenone is connected to AR.
  • Activation of the androgen receptor. By penetrating cells, Boldenone causes a change in the shape of a macromolecule in AR, activating its functions. This activated AR complex is translocated into the cell nucleus. There, the complex binds to specific DNA sequences that are called androgen response elements (AREs).
  • Gene transcription. The created AR-ARE connection initiates gene transcription. This transcription contributes to anabolic activity, such as muscle protein synthesis, increased nitrogen retention, and overall muscle hypertrophy. Anabolic genes that encode muscle proteins like myosin and actin and enzymes involved in energy metabolism play a key role in this activity.

Protein Synthesis Enhancement

  • mRNA translation. The regular consumption of Boldenone activates physiological processes that enhance the mechanism of transcription of mRNA from DNA. Further, by penetrating ribosomes, this mRNA is translated into muscle protein. An increased pace of protein synthesis contributes to muscle growth and repair, which is crucial for athletes and bodybuilders.
  • Impeding protein degradation. Besides assistance in protein production, the medication degrades the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway that promotes protein destruction. This effect of the pharmaceutical supplement allows consumers to achieve an optimal balance of protein and facilitate muscle growth.

Nitrogen Retention

  • Anabolic environment. Boldenone improves nitrogen retention in muscles. Nitrogen comes as a fundamental component of amino acids — substances engaged in the process of building blocks of proteins. Enhanced nitrogen retention allows for maintaining a positive nitrogen balance. This effect indicates the ability of the body to recover after physical workouts and build muscles effectively.

Erythropoiesis Stimulation

  • Red blood cell production. Boldenone actively participates in the process of production of red blood cells. It stimulates the release of erythropoietin (EPO) from the kidneys. EPO is a hormone that promotes the division of erythroid progenitor cells in the bone marrow.
  • Oxygen transport. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen through the body. Thus, their number determines the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. The increase in their count enhances the blood’s capacity. This effect improves endurance, reduces fatigue, and speeds up recovery. This is why the supplement is beneficial for athletes engaged in intense training.

Modulation of Hormonal Activity

  • Estrogenic activity. Boldenone is subject to partial aromatization to estradiol, though its pace is lower if compared to that of testosterone. This mild activity allows for maintaining joint health without severe estrogen-related side effects, such as gynecomastia and excessive water retention.
  • Glucocorticoid antagonism. The medication resists glucocorticoid hormones like cortisol. Glucocorticoids are catabolic hormones that promote muscle breakdown and increase fat storage. By impeding the synthesis of these hormones, Boldenone contributes to the creation of an anabolic environment favorable for muscle gain.

Impact on Muscle Fiber Type Composition

  • Muscle fiber hypertrophy. The regular consumption of Boldenone contributes to the growth of Type I (slow-twitch) and Type II (fast-twitch) muscle fibers.
  • Enhanced muscle density and quality. As consumers report, an increase in muscle quality and density is achieved as a result of regular rug intake. The effect is explained by the medication’s ability to affect muscle tissues and enhance muscle fiber size and function.

Intracellular Signaling Pathways

  • mTOR pathway activation. The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a key regulator of cell growth and protein synthesis. The supplement activates its path, which leads to increased ribosomal biogenesis and enhanced translational capacity.
  • IGF-1 production. Boldenone also stimulates the production of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) in the liver and muscle tissues. Being a potent anabolic hormone that promotes muscle cell division, IGF-1 further supports muscle growth.

Impact on Metabolic Rate

  • Basal metabolic rate. By promoting higher energy expenditure, the medication increases the basal metabolic rate (BMR). This effect is beneficial when athletes want to reduce the amount of fat and dry the body while preserving lean muscle mass during cutting phases.
  • Nutrient allocation. The supplement helps allocate nutrients effectively, directing the needed components for muscle recovery and growth instead of fat storage. This feature allows for achieving a more balanced body composition.

Uses in Bodybuilding

Boldenone has a high reputation in the bodybuilding community. Athletes and sports enthusiasts prefer the supplement due to its effectiveness and versatility. The medication demonstrates high efficacy in both the bulking and cutting phases. Its unique properties make it a favorite among bodybuilders seeking to enhance muscle mass, strength, and overall performance.

  • Bulking cycles. When athletes and bodybuilders are at the bulking stage, they use Boldenone to stimulate gaining muscle mass. While some other pharmaceuticals show unstable results, Boldenone boasts steady and quality muscle growth without excessive water retention or fat gain. Consumers should take the medication for 12–14 weeks during a bulking cycle. In most cases, it’s combined with other anabolic steroids, such as testosterone, nandrolone, or trenbolone to maximize the desired effect.
  • Cutting cycles. When athletes are at the cutting stages, they should still continue taking Boldenone. At this phase, the supplement helps preserve lean muscle mass while accelerating fat loss. Since the medication causes mild estrogenic activity, consumers prevent excessive water retention while enjoying a dry and vascular appearance. The drug increases the number of red blood cells, which enhances endurance and helps stay active and feel good during calorie-restricted periods. At such cycles, the product is usually complemented with non-aromatizing steroids like stanozolol or oxandrolone to enhance muscle definition and hardness. Taking Boldenone during the cutting cycle lasts for 6–12 weeks.
  • Strength and performance enhancement. The ability to significantly improve strength and overall athletic performance is one of the main advantages of the supplement. The product causes the increased synthesis of red blood cells, which results in enhanced oxygen delivery to muscles. Due to this feature, the drug reduces fatigue and increases endurance, meaning that athletes can train more intensively and recover more quickly. Moreover, it minimizes the risk of severe androgenic side effects, so it’s suitable for prolonged intake.
  • Versatility and compatibility. Athletes can add Boldenone to their regimen at various cycles. Moderate androgenic properties make the medication compatible with a wide range of other anabolic steroids. Boldenone’s compatibility with other steroids allows bodybuilders to adjust their cycles to their personalized needs and targets.
  • Estrogen management. Boldenone decreases the level of estradiol, which helps control the estrogen level and maintain it within the norm. This property is particularly beneficial when consumers combine the supplement with testosterone. The blend helps prevent the estrogenic effects of testosterone and reduces the risk of estrogen-related side effects. However, consumers should not overdo it and have to keep monitoring the estrogen level. Too-low values can lead to issues such as decreased libido, osteoporosis, and mood disturbances.
  • Blends with Testosterone. Experts recommend adding testosterone when taking Boldenone. This strategy helps prevent estradiol over-suppression. To begin with, consumers should mix 2 parts of testosterone with 1 part of Boldenone. In a few days of the Boldenone injection, it’s advisable to pass blood tests to check estradiol levels. If estradiol remains high, users should increase the Boldenone dosage. In some cases, a 1:1 ratio of Boldenone to testosterone is enough to ensure effectiveness. Any adjustments should be based on individual responses and regular blood work.

Dosage, Administration, and Monitoring


Men should take between 200–600 mg per week. Advanced consumers can increase the dosage to 800 mg. Professional bodybuilders can even reach a dosage of 800–1200 mg per week. Women take lower dosages that range from 50 to 100 mg per week. Since Boldenone is a long half-life medication, it’s enough to take it just once or twice a week.


Boldenone is an injectable supplement. Users make intramuscular injections to deliver components to cells. Note that the product includes an undecylenate ester that provides a long half-life.

Cycle duration

An average cycle lasts between 6 to 14 weeks. Note that prolonged use increases the risk of side effects.


Consumers should pass regular blood tests to control their health conditions. Hematocrit levels, liver enzymes, lipid profiles, and hormone levels deserve monitoring since they reflect vital information about the body’s state. Passing these tests helps physicians detect adverse body effects at early stages and react to them promptly. It’s recommended to pass these tests every 4–6 weeks during the cycle.

  1. Hematocrit levels. Ideal values should be below 50% for both men and women.
  2. Liver enzymes. Physicians pay attention to ALT and AST levels. Normal value ranges are typically 7–56 units per liter for ALT and 10–40 units per liter for AST.
  3. Lipid profiles. The indicator of LDL cholesterol should be below 100 mg/dL for both men and women. For HDL cholesterol, optimal values are above 40 mg/dL for men and 50 mg/dL for women.
  4. Hormone levels:
  • Men. The target total testosterone levels can vary, but for men who undergo anabolic steroid cycles, values should range between 600–1500 ng/dL. Estradiol levels should be between 10–40 pg/mL.
  • Women. Testosterone levels should stay within 15–100 ng/dL. Estradiol levels should be between 20–200 pg/mL, depending on the menstrual cycle phase.

Side Effects

  1. Acne, increased body hair, and potential for male pattern baldness.
  2. Though the supplement is less aromatizable than testosterone, it can still lead to gynecomastia and water retention in some individuals.
  3. Alterations in cholesterol levels, including decreased HDL and increased LDL, which pose cardiovascular risks.
  4. Low hepatotoxicity, but users should monitor liver function.
  5. For women, the observation of male secondary sexual characteristics, such as deepening of the voice and increased body hair.
  6. Suppression of natural testosterone production. Physicians recommend passing post-cycle therapy (PCT) endogenous testosterone levels.


  • Store Boldenone in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to preserve its stability and efficacy.
  • Keep vials at a controlled room temperature ranging between 20 to 25 °C (68 to 77 °F).
  • Ensure that the vials are securely closed to prevent contamination and degradation of the steroid.

Why to Choose Us?

Driada Medical Store is a licensed and trusted online provider of medications. Being a large online pharmacy, we offer an extended assortment of pharmaceuticals and supplements for your health. However, we’re not just an online store. We create an entire community for our customers by offering services for assisting clients in picking medications, creating treatment cycles, etc.

Our Main Benefits

  1. A wide catalog of products for different body conditions. Our profile includes therapeutic drugs, food supplements, etc.
  2. Tests. We provide the results of laboratory tests of each drug. These tests can be verified on the website of the laboratory where each test was performed. Also, in addition to the tests that we do ourselves, we provide tests that our customers do to verify our products.
  3. A reasonable Boldenone 250 mg price. Our products have affordable costs, meaning that the set prices fully justify their quality, effectiveness, and expenses. If compared to competitors, our price policy is moderate and affordable.
  4. Free consultation & assistance in treatment course creation. We have a smart bot @driadacycleadvice_bot. By chatting with it, clients can find answers to their questions. The bot helps find a suitable treatment, interpret test results, create a cycle, etc.
  5. Fast shipment & delivery guarantee. We offer free delivery for customers around the world. We develop the shortest logistics routes to get products to our ASAP. If parcels are lost on the way, we provide a delivery guarantee, according to which we resent a lost purchase.
  6. Transparency & openness. We neither hide anything from our clients nor try to cheat them. To show our transparency policy, we offer videos made at our production facility to reassure clients that our infrastructure complies with standards.

In trying to create a trusted community and unite clients, we offer to join our Telegram channel, where participants can chat, help each other, and stay informed about our updates and novelties. If you want to buy high-quality certified Boldenone online, our portal is the best place to do that. We’ll be glad to help you get the needed medication. Contact managers to clarify order details and make a purchase.


How long does it take for Boldenone to kick in?

The supplement has a prolonged action combined with an accumulative effect. It starts acting immediately after injection.

Is Boldenone hard on kidneys?

It may affect kidneys if consumers have some weakening conditions. However, if the organ is healthy, no significant effect is caused.

Is Boldenone good for bulking?

Yes, the supplement is equally good at all stages of the bodybuilding cycle, including bulking.

How long is the Boldenone cycle?

An average cycle lasts between 6 to 14 weeks.

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