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Turinadyn 10 mg (Turinabol)

Turinadyn 10 mg (Turinabol)
Turinadyn 10 mg (Turinabol)
Turinadyn 10 mg (Turinabol)
Turinadyn 10 mg (Turinabol)
Turinadyn 10 mg (Turinabol)
Turinadyn 10 mg (Turinabol)
Turinadyn 10 mg (Turinabol)
Turinadyn 10 mg (Turinabol)
Turinadyn 10 mg (Turinabol)
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Package: 100 Tabs
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What is Turinadyn 10 mg (Turinabol)?

Turinadyn is a synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS). On the market, it’s commercially known as Turinabol. The drug was first developed in the 1960s. The compound was created as part of a state-sponsored doping program aimed at enhancing the performance of East German athletes. Chemically, Turinabol is known as 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, which combines the structure of methandrostenolone (Dianabol) and clostebol (4-chlorotestosterone). This feature gives the drug unique properties that balance anabolic and androgenic effects.

By its structure, Turinabol includes a chlorine atom at the fourth carbon position. This peculiarity reduces the ability of the drug to aromatize components into estrogen. This modification results in a steroid with strong anabolic effects but minimal androgen-related features. This peculiarity makes the drug ideal for athletes and bodybuilders who want to increase physical strength and the volume of muscles without encountering severe estrogenic side effects. For instance, the risk of gynecomastia and other side effects is minimal.

The drug is popular due to its mild side effects and the opportunity to take it orally. In addition, unlike many other steroids, Turinabol does not cause retention of liquid. This is why the intake of Turinabol pills won’t affect muscle definition. This peculiarity makes the drug particularly attractive for bodybuilders and athletes who need to maintain a lean, defined physique while enhancing their performance and recovery.

Main Effects and Benefits

  1. Muscle mass and strength. Turinabol is widely used in bodybuilding due to its ability to enhance physical resistance to loads and visible gains in lean muscle mass. Consumers of the drug observe steady muscle building without rapid surges of weight, which are usually associated with liquid retention. This is why sports enthusiasts prefer this medication to achieve a more defined and muscular physique.

    This effect was clinically approved by researchers. They took two groups to control the Turinabol effect on muscle growth. If compared to the control group, researchers observed consistent changes in BMI (Body Muscle Index), AMC (Arm Muscle Circumference), and thigh circumference of Turinabol consumers.

  2. Nitrogen retention and protein synthesis. The preservation of nitrogen is a mandatory requirement to ensure muscle growth. Amino acids can’t exist without nitrogen since it’s their essential component. Such biological structures perform the function of building blocks of proteins in the body. Improved nitrogen retention leads to increased protein synthesis. Thus, muscles recover from intense fitness workouts faster and grow more efficiently. In the long perspective, it leads to quicker recovery and continuous muscle gains.
  3. Endurance and recovery. Turinabol boosts the production of red blood cells, speeding up the pace of oxygen delivery to muscles. This action of its ingredients helps delay fatigue during high-intensity exercise, which allows sports enthusiasts to train harder and for longer periods.
  4. Absence of significant estrogenic effects. Unlike most other anabolic steroids, Turinabol does not convert to estrogen. It means that the medication does not cause such side effects such as liquid retention and gynecomastia. This feature allows patients to gain lean muscle mass without feminizing effects or bloating.

Mechanism of Action

Androgen Receptor Binding

When the drug penetrates the human body, it sticks to androgen receptors in various tissues, including muscle cells. By their chemical structure, these receptors are proteins. They respond to androgenic hormones like testosterone. When Turinabol sticks to these receptors, it activates genetic processes that start muscle-building mechanisms. The component connects to androgen receptors and affects genes that are involved in muscle growth and repair. This process results in the enhancement of the body’s capacity to produce muscle protein and retain nitrogen.

Normal function of the androgen receptor. Testosterone (T) enters the cell. If 5-alpha-reductase is present, the conversion of T into dihydrotestone (DHT) occurs. When steroid binding takes place, it initiates a conformational change of the androgen receptor (AR) and releases heat shock proteins (hsps). The phosphorylation (P) process occurs before and/or after steroid binding. Further, the translocation of the AR to the nucleus occurs. There, dimerization, DNA binding, and the recruitment of coactivators take place. Target genes are transcribed (mRNA) and translated into proteins.

Modification to Prevent Aromatization

The addition of a chlorine atom at the fourth carbon position in its molecular structure is a key feature of Turinabol. Due to this chemical modification, the component is not converted into estrogen under the influence of the enzyme aromatase, i.e. the probability of aromatization is reduced. By preventing aromatization, Turinabol minimizes the risk of estrogenic side effects such as liquid retention and gynecomastia. However, such side effects are frequently found during the consumption of all anabolic steroids like testosterone and methandrostenolone.

Protein Synthesis Enhancement

Turinabol shows its high effectiveness in enhancing protein synthesis. This effect is achieved by acting on ribosomal RNA that is responsible for gathering proteins in cells. Turinabol causes an increase in the production of this type of RNA, which boosts the capacity of muscle cells to generate proteins. This process is vital for muscle recovery and growth, especially after intensive physical activities. By enhancing protein synthesis, muscles can repair damage more quickly and grow stronger over time.

Nitrogen Retention

Turinabol promotes the retention of nitrogen in muscle tissues. Nitrogen is a critical component of amino acids that stand as the building blocks of proteins. To achieve stable muscle growth, it’s necessary to maintain positive nitrogen balance because it means that the body retains more nitrogen than it loses. Thus, keeping an elevated level of nitrogen facilitates anabolic processes. After all, increased nitrogen retention allows for the creation and maintenance of a favorable environment for muscle hypertrophy.

Erythropoiesis Stimulation

Turinabol stimulates erythropoiesis, the process of production of red blood cells. The drug affects the secretion of erythropoietin, accelerating the pace of its synthesis. Erythropoietin is a hormone produced by the kidneys; it promotes the formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow. Enhanced erythropoiesis improves the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, which is particularly beneficial for athletes. Better oxygen delivery to muscles enhances endurance and delays fatigue during prolonged physical activities.

Modulation of Muscle Metabolism

Turinabol also impacts muscle metabolism, leading to increased uptake of amino acids in muscle cells. Amino acids precede protein synthesis. If their amount is elevated, such acids help cope with anabolic processes more easily and quickly. Furthermore, Turinabol reduces the breakdown of proteins in muscle tissues, leading to a net increase in muscle protein content. Thus, the drug causes a dual effect, assisting in protein production and reducing the pace of protein breakdown.

Anti-Catabolic Effects

Besides its anabolic properties, Turinabol has anti-catabolic effects. It means that the component helps prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue. This feature is especially relevant during periods of intense training or caloric restriction, where muscle breakdown can occur. By preserving muscle tissue, the drug helps maintain muscle mass and strength even under challenging conditions.

Effects on Myostatin Inhibition

Some studies suggest that Turinabol may affect myostatin synthesis in cells. Myostatin is a protein that regulates muscle growth by inhibiting muscle cell division. The component impedes its distribution in the body. By reducing the myostatin level, the medication may further enhance muscle growth, suppressing myostatin activity and allowing muscle cells to divide more freely. However, note that this mechanism is still being researched to get enough evidence of its efficiency in this regard.

The signaling pathway of MSTN (myostatin)


Performance Enhancement

  1. Bodybuilding. Since the drug is well-known due to its ability to promote lean muscle mass and strength gains without significant liquid retention in the body, it has gained high popularity in the bodybuilding community. Compared to other anabolic steroids, Turinabol does not cause weight surges due to liquid retention. This feature results in a more defined and aesthetic physique. Bodybuilders often add Turinabol into their bulking or cutting cycles to achieve a muscular and lean appearance. Consumers give preference to this drug due to oral intake and mild side effects.

    The consumption of anabolic steroids resulted in a significant increase in lean body mass (Graph A), while the control group showed no significant changes. Note that there were no significant differences in fat mass percentage (Graph B) between both groups. It means that anabolic steroids enhance muscle growth effectively without increasing fat mass.

  2. Strength and power sports. Athletes engaged in such sports disciplines as weightlifting, powerlifting, and track and field, use Turinabol to enhance their performance. The drug’s ability to increase muscle gains without causing liquid retention affects athletes’ performances, making their bodies more functional and endurable. Thus, they demonstrate better performance and can achieve higher results during competitions. Besides, the medication’s ability to affect red blood cell production and oxygen delivery enhances endurance and stamina. These features allow athletes to train harder and recover more quickly.
  3. Endurance sports. Athletes engaged in such sports disciplines as running, cycling, and swimming, take the drug to improve stamina. Turinabol is able to improve oxygen-carrying capacity by increasing the pace of red blood cell production. Enhanced oxygen delivery to muscles helps delay fatigue and prolonged physical activity. Thus, sports enthusiasts can maintain a high level of performance over extended periods. This peculiarity is especially relevant to aerobic disciplines, where endurance impacts the final result.
  4. Competitive sports. Despite being banned by most sporting organizations, Turinabol has been used by competitive athletes seeking an edge in their performance. The drug combines a list of beneficial effects for competitive athletes, such as high endurance, an increased muscle growth pace, and no water retention. This is why sportsmen widely use the medication in their careers. However, note that since the drug is banned, its consumption poses significant risks to athletes’ careers since its presence in the body is perfectly detected by drug testing. Besides, the drug may affect human health negatively. Thus, users should evaluate and compare its benefits and risks before consumption.

Therapeutic Uses

  1. Treatment of muscle-wasting diseases. Multiple studies approve the positive effect of the medication on patients suffering from muscle-wasting conditions. Since the drug is aimed at increasing muscle growth, it’s helpful in treating such muscle-wasting diseases as sarcopenia, cachexia, and muscular dystrophy. The mentioned diseases cause a quick loss of muscle mass and strength, which affects patients’ quality of life negatively. Turinabol’s anabolic properties help counteract muscle atrophy by promoting muscle protein synthesis and nitrogen retention. The active component penetrates the body, stimulating the work of the needed receptors and launching muscle-building processes. This treatment approach helps improve their overall physical function and well-being.
  2. Recovery from severe burns and trauma. When recovering from severe burns and trauma, patients frequently experience muscle wasting because of which the recovery period is prolonged. Turinabol allows for accelerating recovery by enhancing muscle protein synthesis and reducing muscle catabolism. The drug is effective in curing severe traumas and regaining strength after injuries. This application has become vital in clinical settings where rapid rehabilitation affects patients’ health and physical condition.
  3. Hormone replacement therapy. Sometimes, Turinabol can be used as part of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). In this regard, it is used for men with hypogonadism, a condition characterized by a low testosterone level. By leveling the testosterone level, the drug helps fight or relieve such related symptoms as fatigue, decreased libido, and muscle loss. However, this application method is less common due to the availability of other alternatives with similar effects and fewer side effects.

Dosage, Administration, and Precautions


  • Standard dosage for men. Standard dosage ranges from 20 to 50 milligrams per day for male athletes and bodybuilders. For beginners, it’s recommended to start consumption from the lower range (20–30 mg) to assess their tolerance and response to the drug. Intermediate and advanced users may increase the dosage to 40–50 mg per day. However, note that higher dosages do not obligatory cause better effects while they can increase the probability of side effects.
  • Standard dosage for women. Note that female athletes and bodybuilders usually take lower doses of Turinabol to minimize the risk of virilization. Typical dosages range from 5 to 15 mg per day. Women are recommended to start consumption at the lowest range and monitor changes in appearance. If any signs of virilization, such as voice deepening or increased body hair, are noticed, they should decrease the dose or even stop taking pills immediately.


  • Oral consumption. Users consume Turinabol 10 mgcapsulesorally. This feature makes the drug convenient for consumption. Note that users should divide the daily dosage into two intakes. An approximate interval between intakes should be 8–12 hours. This strategy allows users to maintain an optimal level of the drug in the blood. This method helps achieve the maximum benefit and minimize the risk of side effects.
  • Cycle duration. Users should consume Turinabol for 6–8 weeks. If they continue consumption for longer periods, the risk of liver toxicity and other adverse effects increases. Users should follow the recommended cycle length to maintain health.


  • Liver health. Turinabol is a 17-alpha-alkylated steroid, which makes it hepatotoxic, i.e. it can impact the liver. When taking the drug, consumers should take precautions to protect liver health. For instance, it’s highly recommended to avoid consuming alcohol and other hepatotoxic substances during Turinabol administration.
  • Cardiovascular health. All anabolic steroids, including Turinabol, can negatively affect lipid profiles. This effect increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis. Thus, consumers should regularly pass tests on their cholesterol levels to monitor body health. Besides, they have to maintain a balanced diet and stick to a healthy lifestyle with regular exercises. Omega-3 fatty acids and other cardiovascular support supplements may help to counteract negative lipid changes.
  • Hormonal balance. Turinabol can suppress natural testosterone production, leading to hypogonadism. Thus, it’s advisable to pass post-cycle therapy (PCT) to restore an optimal hormonal balance and prevent severe symptoms such as reduced libido, fatigue, and muscle loss.

Monitoring and Adjusting Dosages

Drug consumers should pass blood tests regularly. Tests help monitor the effects of the medication on the body and take measures promptly. If any changes in body indicators are detected, they should adjust dosages timely to prevent health problems. Users should pass the following tests when they take the drug:

  • Liver function tests (LFTs). It allows users to monitor liver health and detect any signs of hepatotoxicity.
  • Lipid profile. The test allows consumers to assess cholesterol levels and cardiovascular risk.
  • Complete blood count (CBC). It helps monitor red blood cell count and detect any abnormalities.
  • Hormone levels, such as testosterone, estradiol, and luteinizing hormone (LH). This test allows for assessing the impact on hormonal balance.

Consumers should pass these tests before starting a cycle, in the middle of the cycle, and after finishing the cycle.

Adjusting Dosages Based on Test Results

  • Elevated liver enzymes. If an elevated indicator of enzyme is detected during liver function tests, users should either reduce the dosage or even discontinue use. In such cases, it’s also helpful to add live support supplements to the regimen.
  • Disrupted lipid profile. If an increased cholesterol level is identified in lipid profiles, users should add cardiovascular support supplements, adjust their diet, and reduce the dosage.
  • Hormonal imbalance. If blood tests show suppressed testosterone levels or other hormonal imbalances, users should take post-cycle therapy strategies and consider adjusting the dosage during future cycles.

Side Effects

  • Live toxicity. Turinabol can have a negative effect on the liver. Durable or high-dose use can lead to liver damage, including such conditions as jaundice and liver tumors. Users should monitor liver function regularly and discontinue use if signs of liver damage occur.
  • Testosterone suppression. Durable intake of the drug can suppress natural testosterone production, which can lead to hypogonadism. Such symptoms as reduced libido, fatigue, and muscle loss can be signs of this disorder. Thus, consumers should pass post-cycle therapy to eliminate the risk of facing this diagnosis and restore the normal hormonal balance.
  • Cardiovascular issues. Turinabol can negatively impact lipid profiles, which increases the risk of such cardiovascular diseases as atherosclerosis. Regular cardiovascular monitoring and maintaining a healthy lifestyle come as important preventive measures in this regard.
  • Virilization in women. Female consumers can encounter voice deepening, increased body hair, and menstrual irregularities. The probability of these side effects depends on the dosage, which is why women are recommended to take lower portions.


  • It’s recommended to store Turinabol in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture to maintain its efficacy and prevent degradation.
  • Keep out of reach of children and pets.
  • Proper storage conditions are crucial to ensure the drug remains effective and safe for use up to its expiry date.

Why to Choose Us?

Driada Medical Store is a reputable name in the pharmaceutical industry. It’s a certified online pharmacy, where consumers will find products for any need. We come as a reputable supplier of medications, as well as dietary and sports supplements. Our reputation and expertise on the market are approved by multiple awards, certificates, and seals of approval. The next achievement speaks in favor of our high reputation: in just 2 years of operation, we have reached 4th place on the most popular resource in the world in this domain. Read reviews here if you want to learn more about our achievements.

However, keep in mind that we are not just another online store. Our website is a full-fledged platform with consultation services. We set the creation and development of a united community of like-minded people as our mission. Our clients are a large community of people interested in improving their appearance, prolonging youth, increasing vitality, and biohacking in general. Thus, we come as a portal where they can unite, discuss news, and find trusted information about their issues. We guarantee that each newcomer will find useful information and join our community.

Reasons to Join Us

Being a reputable service provider in the sphere of pharmaceuticals, we boast a lot of benefits. The following advantages ensure customer satisfaction and high loyalty to our brand:

  1. We offer a wide assortment of products, so we’re sure to satisfy the needs of all clients. Upon visiting our website, customers can find a wide catalog of products, including Tbol tablets. Thus, every client will find a suitable option for the creation of a complete effective cycle to improve results as well as products to reduce the risk of side effects.
  2. Affordable pricing. The set prices justify the quality of our products and comply with wear and production expenses. Thus, the T-Bol price is competitive and affordable, if compared to our competitors. Moderate costs do not mean inferior quality.
  3. We provide a free consultation service for our clients. Our specialists help clarify use cases of available products, assist in the creation of individual cycles, and interpret blood tests. To get access and enjoy such services, join @driadacycleadvice_bot.
  4. Worldwide delivery. Our pharmacy operates around the world and welcomes customers from all corners of the globe. Our logistics managers develop effective and safe routes to ship parcels to clients ASAP.
  5. Delivery guarantee. However, if you didn’t receive your parcel due to its loss on the way to a buyer, we resend it until it reaches him. Here, you can read more info about our shipping policy.
  6. Transparency & fairness. We do not hide anything from our clients. Each of you can see the conditions in which Driada medical products are manufactured. We openly demonstrate our technological equipment, as well as the production process itself. Watch videos on the page to explore the subtleties of the manufacturing process.

Finally, we are pleased to invite you to join our community on Telegram. Here, you can ask any questions and get advice from experienced members. If you need help choosing a cycle or want to learn about any products, our community is always ready to help. Join us and communicate with a community of like-minded people.

Contact our managers to get Tbol for sale and clarify your questions. Our competent specialists will help you find the needed products, consult on drug availability, and assist in making an order. We are always glad to welcome new customers who want not just to cure some diseases but improve their quality of life and treat their bodies with respect and care. We provide high-quality tools for these objectives and help people realize how their bodies function to be able to treat them correctly.


Does Turinabol cause ED?

No, the drug does not affect potency, so it cannot cause ED. However, note that it can affect libido and testosterone levels passively, which can cause some problems with sexual activity.

Does Turinabol cause water retention?

No, unlike most anabolic steroids, the drug does not cause water retention. This is why it’s welcome among bodybuilders who want to get a defined and muscular physique and gain lean muscles.

What to stack with Turinabol?

The drug can be stacked with other dietary supplements for the liver and the cardiovascular system. Moreover, stacking with such supplements is highly recommended since the drug affects the mentioned systems.

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